NEWS RELEASE: Delta Police Department moves dispatch to E-Comm

Vancouver, B.C. — Today the Delta Police Department (DPD) successfully transferred its emergency call-taking and dispatch services to E-Comm. The transition was seamless with veteran DPD dispatcher Karen Irwin, who joined E-Comm as part of the move, assuming command of dispatch at 7:26 a.m. DPD is the 16th police agency within southwest B.C. to integrate into E-Comm’s consolidated emergency communications centre.

Immediately following the changeover Delta Chief Constable Neil Dubord made a special radio broadcast from E-Comm to Delta officers: “This is Chief Neil Dubord calling to you from E-Comm. Welcome everyone to E-Comm. Today comes after a lot of hard work from everyone. Have a great shift – thank you.”

Earlier this year the Delta Police Board approved transitioning services to E-Comm following a multi-year evaluation of the department’s dispatch options that determined the move would provide additional operational benefits that would enhance officer and public safety. Delta Mayor Lois Jackson, chair of the Delta Police Board, said Delta’s priority was to make sure its residents and police department have the best and most efficient service possible.

“We are longtime partners with E-Comm as all of our first responders use the organization’s radio system and they have been dispatching for Delta Fire and Emergency Services for more than ten years,” said Mayor Jackson. I am pleased with our new police dispatch partnership and am confident in E-Comm’s ability to provide a level of service that supports Delta’s ‘no call too small’ approach.”

Benefits of E-Comm’s consolidated dispatch model includes being able to draw upon a larger workforce to help manage sudden increases in 9-1-1 calls, greater access to top-tier technology and achieving economies-of-scale through shared resources and infrastructure.

“Dispatch is a critical element of police response, which is why thorough preparation was our top priority for today’s transition,” added E-Comm President and CEO David Guscott. “We’re eager and ready to share our large team of experienced staff, our technology and purpose-built facility with residents and officers in Delta and we are proud to be their partners in public safety.”

All DPD dispatchers were offered positions at E-Comm prior to the transition allowing for the same staff that have been performing dispatch duties to continue in these roles. Training sessions have been underway over the past several weeks to help transitioning staff familiarize themselves with their new communication centre, while E-Comm call-takers have been involved in cross-training to learn about Delta’s operations, community and geography in order to provide a broader base of support for their new colleagues.


E-Comm is the largest 9-1-1 centre in British Columbia and handles approximately 1.3 million emergency calls per year. E-Comm also provides call-taking and dispatch services to 34 police and fire departments, including Delta Police and Delta Fire & Emergency Services, and operates the largest multi-jurisdictional, tri-service emergency radio system in the province.

Media contacts:

E-Comm 9-1-1
Jody Robertson
[email protected]

Delta Police Department
A/Sgt. Sarah Swallow
[email protected]
