Legal Disclaimer

All information and content found on this website is property of Emergency Communications for British Columbia Incorporated (E-Comm) and as such, is protected by Canadian and foreign copyright laws.

The information on the E-Comm website is intended to provide general information only. The information on this website is not intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding in any dispute, claim, action, demand or proceeding.

This website and its contents may not be copied or distributed in any manner without the prior written consent of E-Comm.

Public Education Materials

Public education materials are for public safety agencies and community organizations within Metro Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast Regional District only and are free of charge. Individuals or organizations outside these areas may download the materials free of charge. All E-Comm materials are copyrighted but may be used provided they are not altered in any fashion and are used for non-commercial educational purposes only. If you would like a sample of the materials, please send your request to [email protected].