Find Your Police Non-Emergency Number | British Columbia

Find your local online crime reporting tool and police non-emergency number below.

Do not call 9-1-1 to ask for non-emergency numbers or ask to be transferred to the non-emergency line. Non-emergency numbers should be used for situations where an immediate response or dispatch of the police is NOT required.

Unsure of the closest RCMP detachment? Visit the BC RCMP Detachment page and search for your city/town to find your local non-emergency number.

Online reporting tools are available in select communities to report non-emergency crimes that meet a certain criteria. E-Comm does not dispatch ambulances in B.C. That service is provided by BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS).  For information about BCEHS – including emergency and non-emergency medical calls, department/office numbers and general inquires –  visit the BCEHS website

Search for a Non-Emergency Number/Online Reporting Tool

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